Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Semester ends.

As I leave behind my first semester at Berkeley, I can truly say that I am blessed. I was fortunate enough to have an amazing roommate and floor-mates who welcomed me with open arms. They were all so kind and genuine to me I cannot fathom to imagine other floor-mates like themselves. Though in the beginning I was homesick, and sad to leave my family I knew it would only get more difficult to carry on, but I continued I survived. It was difficult, but it was pretty easy going, I know next semester I am going to have to work my hardest and do my work correctly to get good grades life is a roller coaster ride and I am only along for the ride. You brought me friendships and much more than. Berkeley brought me someone different, something I never expected, he's different for sure but he wants to make me happy, were opposites we know but what else can I say were testing the waters. I miss my family soo much. I loved seeing them pull up on the driveway it was amazing. Especially my baby, I love her so much. I can only hope for the best.College brought me new experiences to look at, new ways to look at life and realized you cannot trust everybody and sometimes it can also bring you tragedy. It was a whirlwind, it was something I can never take back. I am barely beginning, my journey has just begun.