Monday, September 3, 2012

Both of us.

"Someday, I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us." Sometimes we feel so alone in this big world, feeling left out  from the rest of the world. Missing those moments in life so precious in life, because we need to do work and school. It is sad. I wonder if you are lonely as I am, sometimes I feel that I am the only one feeling this way all alone so separated from you then i talk to you just for an hour and its like we might be separated from each other but connected in a deeper. Right now i wonder where you are and if you feel the same. pick up the phone and call, I say. But I am angry, but I am also to blame. This pride is too much. Maybe I don't want to break down. So I lean on someone else, someone who tells me he loves and cares for me, yet he tells me I am being to needy and that you need "space". I guess sometimes you are needy is that bad. Just feeling so low sometimes you need someone lean on you. Someday I'll come back home, come back to the place where I belong, where my family is. Where my baby is. To watch her grow to be part of her life more than ever. I hate to abandon you in your prime time. Watch make friends, tell mom and dad that your learning new things. I love watching you. How your smile brights up my day in any given second. How when I'm sad you come in and sing to me, the way your voice just comforts me its amazing that such a little princess came make me feel so good.You are my sunshine,the light at the end of the tunnel. To hear your voice when I am sad is all I need, to have you comfort me. You might not even know why, but you don't have to you just know and there for me. I write for you. To let you know I love you so much, that though I might not be there I will always be there in some form or another. Right now. NEEDY. That is what I feel. 

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