Thursday, December 30, 2010


Everybody does it. We should avoid doing it, because it becomes a habit. Like now for example writing this blog about procrastination I am procrastinating, which is probably why my computer first deleted this a same blog a couple of seconds ago.Well either way, we just can't help I know majority of my high school companions always wait to the last minute and there we are sitting at our computers at 3 a.m finish that paper that was assigned weeks ago. Sucks. Yet, we still do it. Is it because were lazy?Probably. Or we need better planning skills?Completely. Either, people will tell you thousands of times NOT to procrastinate and learn to manage your time and even though you say ya of course there we are finish everything in the last minute. I c an tell my cousins a thousand times that they should not do it but they have to learn for themselves and maybe they will never learn some of us just work well under pressure..I would have to say that I'm pretty lazy when I want to.But for now I think I should get started on my school work before I avoid too much.=p

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