Monday, November 28, 2011

I really don't know sometimes. Sometimes a put up a front, but inside I'm weak and crumbling. But I choose not to show it. Around me people believe that showing parts of one's emotion like crying is a sign of weakness. I guessed I failed in that aspect.Being a weakling and defenseless is another sign of my weakness. So what is my strong point? I have a short fuse, anger issues that stretch if you push me. So where is my base, my strong point. I might not even have one. People even say that loving someone too much can also be your downfall. If that's so keep piling on the list. I wish I knew the answers sometimes. to know that I am going to be okay..that I can trust my family. That they know I do love them..but I  have to do this for me. To them it is like I am abandoning them..I took it as not wanting me to leave but in reality it was fear..I pushed because i thought they did not care. Whether they said they do it did not come off that way. You don't know how much I much I suffered because you thought I hated my family because you thought I was abandoning you and who I was. I lost myself a long time ago, but I came back to the person I wanted to be, and I am working on that. But you can't see that can't you? You only see what you want to see, what you choose yo see? So what if I rely on other family members is that not what they are for? They understand see it as back talk as if I am insulting you..unlike you I need to express who I am..and if that is in a form of crying then so be it ..I am weak. I love you. But I hope you come to understand all I wanted was to to pay you back. To make sure at the end nothing hurts you, no payments no stress. I wanted to be the one, to take it all away. But you don't see that...and you might never will.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

saying goodbye might be the hardest thing to do.

 I guess I knew things would be different this time. You are growing. You are experiencing love for the first time. I can't hold you back, but let you flourish. Let you take the path you choose. You seem a little restrained. You were afraid to. That things have changed. And they have. I'm still here, so are you. Time spent with you was too short. Sharing with the ones you love, of course I come second I understand they miss you and need you. I guess it is going to be different now. Some challenges here, some obstacles there. All I can do is be there to support you. But I cannot be afraid to speak and tell you that I am breaking too. That I am hurting too. Scared to loose you forever, scared of change. Scared it won't be the same with us anymore. People say, not to worry that you have been together so long that you can overcome anything. Then on the other side I have people feeding me poison,, doubts, infecting me asking em so she didn't call? she did not spend time with you? she did not come by? It sticks with me it bugs me... I shrug it off, but it does. Now that you found someone I fear what all best friends fear that I will be pushed aside. I won't be the one you count on anymore. Or worse that me and him won't get along..what then?what would I do? I can't fret about it but I do at times I honestly do.